Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The End

 Dear Friends and Relatives,

I’m done. For now anyway.

As much as I regret this, I realize that without making any decision, I have been deciding by omission. Here it is Tuesday, and I haven’t done any work on an essay for today and don’t see how I could complete one.

I had to stop temporarily in order to become Nurse Steve. We are going to move to Boston some time this year and the job of preparing our house for sale is also taking time and focus.

I think the end of Trump has also changed my drive to write in ways that I don’t fully understand. There is still much to say, but I don’t feel the strong motivation to say anything lately about politics. I find myself skimming the news without much interest.

I think that my focus has narrowed lately to our own lives. When I retired, I decided that stressing myself with tasks and deadlines was over, but of course that was illusion. Nevertheless, I am trying to maintain an equilibrium by keeping control over the number of things I am doing at once, which leads me to recognize that writing my weekly essays is too much now.

I am not complaining, because I have nothing to complain about. I am just trying to explain to loyal readers why nothing is coming today or in the near future. In some sense, I am taking back my life.

I have been touched so many times by your interest in my thoughts. You have given me confidence and motivation, the necessities for any writer. I am grateful.

I still have some copies of my book begging for new homes.

Stopping for now means that I can decide later what I want to do without the coercion of momentum, the inner demand to keep going. Perhaps I will find a new format, a different set of subjects, an altered timing. Or maybe I’ll just play with my granddaughters.

Best wishes,


  1. Hi Steve,
    I am trying to reach you regarding interviews/transcripts you did with Holocaust survivors back in 1997 at Kiamesha Lake, NY. Can you please contact me at debigula62@gmail.com? Thank you.

  2. Good riddance! Your Leftist views never fit into the fabric of the nation's heartland. You can wallow with the rest of the super-southpaws in Boston. Few in J-ville will miss you and your intolerance and snobbery.
