Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Podcast #1

Dear Friends and Family,

I have had trouble sending this, so I am using my normal method to do this. I’m sorry if the difficulties with sending to a large list is causing inconvenience.

I wanted to say this in person, not in writing. It expresses more deeply held feelings than most of what I write. Maybe it just expresses more emotion than my more disciplined writing.

I couldn’t do it myself and my son-in-law Ben Bruno did everything beyond me talking. I can say that this turned out exactly as I wanted.

For me this is a fundamental message. I want people I don’t know to see me saying what I believe. If you would like to help spread it, please use whatever social media you like to pass along this link. I have no idea if this is the right time for what I say. I had been thinking about this for a long time. It just happens to be ready now.


Best, Steve

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