In my lifetime the shift toward equality has been remarkable. Until the late 1960s the preferential treatment of whites and men was so normal that questioning it made headlines. That form of white male privilege is gone. Quite a few white men are so upset at the loss of that privilege that they now complain about discrimination.
On the online debate forum,
you can read dozens of white male complaints about discrimination against them.
A study
by Harvard and Tufts sociologists in 2011 quantifies this white certainty that
they are now the underprivileged. White and black men and women were asked to
rate the amount of discrimination against both ethnic groups. They all agreed
that through the 1960s, there was significant discrimination against blacks and
virtually none against whites. But then opinions diverge. Whites believe that
discrimination against blacks has now nearly disappeared, while discrimination
against themselves has greatly increased, well past the amount against blacks. The
researchers summarized: “Whites believe...the pendulum has now swung beyond
equality in the direction of anti-white discrimination.”
White feelings of
discrimination are more common among the working class, according to a 2012
survey: about 60% of white working-class Americans said that discrimination
against whites is as great as discrimination against blacks and other
minorities, while 39% of college-educated whites believe that.
Those feelings are much more
likely among conservatives, older Americans and people in the South.
Such beliefs are comforting
to whites, especially men, who are dissatisfied with their lives. It’s all
because of discrimination against them! Racist whites were delighted about the
results of that study. On the neo-Nazi website Stormfront, one responder
had a great idea, expressed in a typically racist manner: “Someone should make
a youtube video with White and Black equally qualified job applicants (or even
make the White person more qualified to be even more realistic) and drop some
hint that one applicant is a Negro. I guarantee that the Black job applicant
will be getting a call back while the White applicant is plain out of luck.”
Well, someone has done that,
or something like it. In response to job ads in newspapers, the National Bureau of Economic
Research sent out 5000 resumes with names that sounded black or white, like
Lakisha and Jamal, or Emily and Greg. Although the resumes were the same in
every other respect, “white” names received 50% more callbacks than “black”
names. That racist result was true across a variety of industries, including
employers who advertise “equal opportunity”. Having a “white” name was
equivalent to eight more years of experience for a “black” applicant.
A similar
study this year of possible racism was done by sending a white and a
minority tester of the same age and gender posing as a possible home renter or
buyer. Across 8000 tests in 28 cities across the US, blacks were shown 11%
fewer rentals and 17% fewer homes than whites. Whites were likely to be offered
lower rents, or quoted lower prices. This was a significant improvement over
the first time this study was done in 1977, but still far from equality, much
less anti-white discrimination.
Some people wondered whether
the election of Barack Obama meant an era of racial equality had finally
arrived. We know better now. Suppose
Hillary is elected President in 2016. Would that mean that women’s equality has
been achieved? I know some white men who would probably go further – they would
say that being a woman is an advantage, that another nail has been put into the
coffin of white men, now always at a disadvantage.
Too much attention is paid to
the few women and the few African Americans who manage to reach high positions.
What counts is the next election, the next promotion, the next hire. Will a
woman have an equal chance? Will an African American have any chance?
Would Hillary’s election mean
that a woman, Republican or Democrat, has an equal chance as a man in the next
election? Of course not.
All the complaints about
affirmative action and the whining by white men that they now suffer from
discrimination imply one thing – that less qualified women and minorities are
being unfairly put in front. But it’s very hard to find any such examples. Much
more likely is that less qualified white men get the nod. Hence the slow pace
toward equality of opportunity.
We have not reached equality,
much less some fantasy world where having been the object of discrimination forever
gives one extra power. We have reached a point far enough away from
unquestioned white male privilege that the reduction in that advantage is being
felt. None of the complainers can cite a single study that shows any real
privilege for minorities or for women. But that won’t stop the whining.
Steve Hochstadt
Jacksonville IL
Published in the Jacksonville
Journal-Courier, November 26, 2013